I have been drawn to this spread ever since because it is easy to remember, flexible, and great for "tell me about myself" kind of readings. I often pair this with "What does the universe need me to know" type questions. It's a good introduction for someone looking to venture out of the traditional 3-card spreads and has ALWAYS been amazing in leading the conversation in a reading.

The Rose gives you a multifaceted view of a situation or dilemma you are facing. It guides you in contemplating the parts of the situation you may turn away from or not typically consider. As you work your way up to the top of the rose, the spread helps you to see what you can do to nurture the situation in order to obtain the best possible outcome.

The Spread Positions

This spread consists of five cards, laid out in the loose formation of a blooming flower. The meanings of each position are as follows:

  1. The Root: What is beneath the surface of the situation and feeds your flower? This can be seen as the foundation on which your flower is built or the unconscious energy feeding into your flower.
  2. The Thorn: What part of your flower causes discomfort and pain, the proverbial thorn in your side?
  3. The Stem: What structure is visible in supporting your flower? What is holding everything together?
  4. The Bud: What part of myself or my situation should I focus on and nurture?
  5. The Blossom: What is the most beautiful expression or best possible outcome for this situation or person?

Spread Enhancers

I traditionally include a Shadow Card with these readings. The shadow card is pulled from the bottom of the deck and can help identify the underlying theme of the reading or an aspect of the situation or reading that you may have not previously considered.

Of course, as with any reading, you can always include additional clarifiers (the next top card of the deck) for any position if you feel you need further insight.

An Example Reading Using The Rose

As I mentioned, The Rose is one of my favorite spreads because it's easy to use and easy for others to relate to. I did a reading for my (at the time) 10-year-old son who was bout to start 5th grade on what the new school year looked like for him. It was a great reading that used The Rose as the spread.

A 5th-Grade Reading
Embark on a journey of insight as a parent shares a special Tarot reading with their fifth-grade son, marking the start of a new school year.

Root Lock Tarot

I give credit to Weston at Root Lock Tarot for really helping me grasp Tarot in a way that was easy for me to understand. He provides a great systematic approach to learning Tarot in his podcast (available on all major platforms). He also offers a great book of original Tarot Spreads (including The Rose) that he's developed over time.